How to Create Seller Account on Daraz to Earn Money
Do you want to know how to sell on daraz and what to sell on daraz? If yes then this article is for you, Let's start...
Online shopping is becoming a trend in the world today. As the pace of life accelerates, new opportunities are being created to provide services to the people. Introducing online shopping in such a world in which you can easily buy the items of your choice from the comfort of your home and in a few days the item you have ordered will be delivered to you at home. People prefer to buy things online from home instead of going to the market. They go to online shopping websites and order whatever they want.
Daraz is one of
the most popular online shopping websites with millions of dollars in annual
Daraz has become
Pakistan's number one online shopping website. Daraz is a platform where people
can sell their goods online easily. Yes, you will be happy to know that you too
can open your online shop at home on daraz website.
And that too
without any charges. Daraz only charges you a commission fee on selling of your
item. Daraz is providing you a beautiful shop interface, there you can easily
manage your items, stock and their prices. So let's talk about how to sell on daraz and how you can open
your online shopping store in Daraz.
First you need
Then click on
Sell on Daraz option, you can find on the top-center of your browser window.
In the next step
click on Start Selling.
You will find
the 4 options on your browser like as following
DarazMall Seller
Local Seller
Global Seller
Digital Sahulat
You need to
choose Sign UP with the one above option. If you are new in the Online
Shopping, I will suggest you SIGN UP with LOCAL SELLER option.
Fill the form as
per requirements. In the first option choose Individual.
Next option,
choose your country.
Enter your
mobile number and slide to the right to verify that you are not a robot.
Click on the
check box that you understand and accept the terms and conditions of daraz
At the last
click on SIGN UP.
On the next page
you will choose your shop name and shop type.
Then you need to
purchase daraz flyers from DarazMall first time for complete the registration process.
After completion
the process with email, mobile verification you will see the dashboard of your
daraz online shop. You can customize your daraz shop from the customization
option. Completing the customization process you can upload your first product
on daraz shop.
Type a catchy
title for your product. Add beautiful high quality images of your product.
Upload a video of your product if you can. Describe briefly about your product
in the description option that customer could satisfy. Enter the price of your
product. Type the relevant tags for your product that can rank your product on
first page of daraz website. That’s it.
Now wait for
your valuable customers. You will be responsible to response of your customer’s
questions. When you receive your first order, print the bill and customer
postal address details. Pack your product in the daraz flyer. And deliver to
the nearest daraz store.
Yes, you did a
great job. Now wait for your customer review. If you receive 5-star review from
your customer It will be boost up your products on daraz website.
I hope after
reading this article you will be able to create your online shop on daraz
website. If you like this article don’t forget to share with your friends.
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