Economic gap between Developing and Developed Countries

What is economic gap? In this article we will try to discuss what is the Economic gap between developing and developed countries.
Economic Gap between Developing and Developed Countries


The economic gap between developing and developed countries is widening. Everyone is feeling the growing economic gap everywhere. Statistics should be used to support this fact, but the problem is that there are no statistics available on all kinds of countries that indicate the economic condition of the distant past. The method of considering problems and expressing facts with the help of statistics started around 1930s. Unless we have data for a hundred or two hundred years, it is difficult to say whether the economic disparity between developing and developed countries is widening. However, in some cases, great efforts have been made to obtain the data of the last 100 or 110 years with great effort and in the light of which the annual growth rate of a country has been estimated. One of these few special efforts was made by Mrs. Eisner about a country called Jamaica. He collected year-round data from 1870 to 1890, 1890 to 1910, then 1910 to 1930, and after a study, he found that the annual growth rate in Jamaica from 1870 to the present was only 0.2% another outside economics Mr. Ebawi (Mr. Issewi) Collected data on Egypt from 1880 to 1930 and after analyzing it concluded that the growth rate in Egypt 0.5% per annum Remained.



The economic gap in developing and developed countries can be gauged from the following facts.

The world's population

About a quarter of the world's 5.5 billion people live in countries that have homes, amenities, plenty of food and a wealth of labor. More than three-quarters of the population lives in countries where most people do not have access to housing and food, are in poor health and illiterate.

Income quality

Countries with lower per capita real incomes than the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, France, Canada, and other Western European countries are called underdeveloped countries. The per capita income of these countries is less than a quarter of the per capita income of developed countries.

Economic disparity

As far as the economic gap is concerned, according to a survey and research study, the economic gap between industrialized and non-industrialized countries has widened considerably.

Production of developed and developing countries

The population of developed countries increased almost two and a half times, but this population proved to be beneficial rather than a burden. Since the same period in the production of these countries

During the 20-fold increase, this therefore, the per capita income in these countries increased a lot instead of decreasing. In contrast, the population of developing countries has certainly doubled, but there has been little increase in income or production. As a result, the quality of per capita income has increased so marginally that it can be ignored.

The reason for industrial development

According to a survey, it has also been observed that the real reason for the development of industrialized countries is their dependence on industries and machines. But the non-industrial world is simply blessed with development couldn't understand that time was moving very slowly here and machines could not be used.

Future prospects

A detailed sketch of the survey seeks to show that in the current situation, under the current global system and with the current growth rate, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to bridge the gap between industrial and non-industrial countries.

Economic tactic

Against the backdrop of the above facts of the survey, it has been concluded that through political strategy (and also the difference between non-industrialized and non-industrialized countries globally can be observed, otherwise economic conditions and events will bridge this gap). I will not be able to help the sum of the differences economic measures to bridge the economic gap between the two countries are likely to fail because the gap between the two countries' gross income and per capita income is so large in the current era. Even if a high growth target is set in such circumstances, the economic gap is unlikely to narrow.

The Volume Difference

Economic measures to bridge the economic gap between the two countries are likely to fail because the gap between the two countries' gross income and per capita income is so large in the current era. Even if a high growth target is set in such circumstances, the economic gap is unlikely to narrow.


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